Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cast information from a Pod...Indeed.

Podcasting. Sounds like a fishing technique doesn't it? Well for your information, it's most definitely not! Podcasting is a utility that allows users the option to listen to whatever they want, whenever they want. Whether that be audio tours (i.e.) educational zoo walk-throughs, talk shows (i.e.) news, training (i.e.) jobs, or story telling (i.e.) duh, telling stories. According to, "Podcasting is the syndication of audio files using RSS." Instead of reading a piece of material, boring, one can listen to it!

Teachers can use this technique all sorts of ways! For example, an audio archive of Shakespeare, or audio walk-throughs of a lab assignment. Student's can use podcasting as a utility to study notes or guide them through an assignment. It gives student's a sense of powerment by choosing their own technique to study. Anything you could read, you can put it on podcasting. I think this is awesome! I already have an ipod, so I'm experienced in the music archive. It is very useful and it stides to express ones individuality by allowing users to download any type of music on their pod. The only downside is that it's not always free. However, the benefit of not listening to the radio play the same thing is worth the $1.00 per song to me!

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